The Valley Giving Guide is Open!
We are very excited to be a part of the VGG again this year! Being a part of the VGG allows our donors to maximize their impact and receive a partial match of any funds given through their platform. This year, our goal is to raise $200,000 for our student aid fundraiser, Seeds of Success, with a goal of $300,000 for the entire year. We'd love your help to reach our goals this year! Thank you for your care.
What is Seeds of Success?
At RAS we believe that a high quality, Adventist education should be possible to anyone and everyone—no matter their financial situation. That is why we have started Seeds of Success, to raise $300,000 towards VAS student in the 2024-2025 academic year. With 48% of our students receiving some type of student aid, we have a great need on our campus for support.
Will you help us plant Seeds of Success in the lives of VAS students and donate to our fundraise?

How to Help?
To help sow Seeds of Success, we invite you to do the following:
1) Donate any amount from December 3-31 to help us receive a partial match from your donation;
2) Tell others about this project and unique opportunity to maximize their impact;
4) Pray for this fundraiser.
Thank you for supporting our students!