Volunteering at Rogers
At Walla Walla Valley Adventist Schools, we take the safety of our students seriously. The Upper Columbia Conference has contracted with Sterling Volunteers to screen anyone who volunteers at our schools. Whether you help in the classroom, drive on field trips or sporting events, or volunteer in the athletics department. We ask that anyone with contact with our students undergo the screening process.
Click the below link to access the Upper Columbia Conferences screening page:
If you have done the screening process in the past, please check to see if your status is current.
If you did the screening for a different UCC entity, you would need to add Rogers and/or Walla Walla Valley Academy to the list of places you volunteer.
If you plan to drive students and have a Washington driver's license, DO NOT put driver as a role. Washington State requires a special form that must be requested separately. Once you have done the training and requested a background check, please contact Cindy McCrery (cindy.mccrery@valleyadventistschools.org) and let her know that you would like to be a driver. She will contact the UCC and a email with a link to Simply Verified's online form will be emailed to you to complete.